Be a Donor
Donations of any amount help support our dual mission. We are a registered 501(c)(3) charitable organization and donations are deductible in accordance with federal tax regulations.
We accept online donations using major credit cards and PayPal. Just click the yellow "Donate" button below.
Or if you prefer, you may make a donation at the Westport Book Shop,
or make your check payable to Westport Book Sale Ventures, Inc. and mail it to:
Westport Book Sale Ventures, Inc.
Book Donation Center
20 Jesup Road
Westport, CT 06880
Donor information is never shared.
Become a Sponsor
Literati $5,000
Help support the management, supervision and training of our employees with disabilities
Bibliophile $2,500
Help support the salaries of existing job positions filled by adults with disabilities
Logophile $1,000
Help us with day to day costs that keep adults with disabilities employed as part of our Book Shop, Book Sale Events, and Book Donation Center operations
Sponsors are eligible to receive recognition on our website and at events. Contact us for more information.
To Donate Books, click here
To make a donation via credit card or PayPal, in any amount, use this yellow "Donate" button:

Donations in any amount help us achieve our mission. We appreciate your support!
A donation of $280 supports one part-time employee position and their supervision for one week.
$1,210 supports one part-time employee position and their supervision for one month.
$3,640 supports one part-time employee position and their supervision for one quarter.
$14,560 supports one part-time employee position and their supervision for one year.
For more information contact us at: