ONLINE Book Sale -- Ongoing
The Westport Library Book Sale is now online!
Visit our Online Shop here, and browse a curated selection of:
Children's Books, sorted by age
Books for Adults, from our Fiction, Mystery, Science Fiction & Fantasy, Biography, Cooking, History and Politics, Arts, Architecture & Design, and Sports categories, and more!
Music CDs from various genres
Jigsaw puzzles and games
Items are added to the online book shop regularly, so check back often!
All purchases are made available for pick up, by appointment, at the Book Donation Center, in the Westport Library's Upper Parking Lot, at 20 Jesup Road, approximately seven to ten days following purchase. When your purchase is ready, you will receive an email asking you to schedule a pick-up date and time.
Join our mailing list to receive email notifications about our online book shop and our latest offerings.

Labor Day Weekend Book Sale -- September 4th -- 6th, 2020
The Westport Library Book Sale is back !​
Labor Day Weekend -- Friday September 4th through Sunday September 6th
Location: indoors, in the Westport Library, 20 Jesup Road
Enter via the Library's Upper Parking Lot entrance, only
Hours: Friday, Sept. 4th 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Saturday, Sept. 5th 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Sunday, Sept. 6th 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.

Three days of shopping, thousands of gently used books in dozens of categories: children's books, from infants to teens, literature and classics, comics and graphic novels, fiction, mystery, non-fiction including history and politics, math, science, psychology, biographies, sports, art, photography, cooking, gardening, travel and more, including Noteworthy, especially antiquarian books. Also a wide selection of records, CDs, audio books, and DVDs. Something for everyone!
Pre-paid, timed admission tickets will be required for Friday, Sept. 4th. Tickets will go on sale starting Monday, August 24th at 8 a.m. To purchase admission tickets, click here.
Admission on Saturday, Sept. 5th and Sunday, Sept. 6th is free, first come, first served.
BYOM -- Bring Your Own Mask. Everyone will be required to wear a mask that covers both nose and mouth, and to observe social distancing.
For important additional procedures applicable to this sale, click here.
To volunteer at this sale, please contact Judi Lake at: volunteers@westportbooksales.org
To see a map of the sales area, click on "Way Finder Map" (highlighted in yellow), above. This map is provided as a general guide, and floor arrangement may change. We will endeavor to keep the map updated, but in any event, signage at the sale will be clear, and Volunteers will be available at the sale to assist in directing you.
To receive updates and notifications regarding this sale, please join our mailing list.
Westport Library Book Sale Procedures
Labor Day Weekend 2020
Out of concern for the health and well-being of our volunteers, employees and patrons, the following procedures will be in effect throughout the Labor Day Weekend Book Sale. Anyone who does not follow these procedures will be asked to leave.
1. BYOM — Bring Your Own Mask ​
Every person entering the Library must be wearing a face mask that covers both their nose and mouth.
Face masks must be worn at all times while inside the Library.
2. Upon entering the Library, your temperature will be taken, and your name will be collected for contact tracing.
​ 3. Every person must use their best efforts to maintain at least 6’ social distance to the greatest extent
4. Every person entering the Forum/Komansky Room sales area will be asked to sanitize their hands
(hand sanitizer will be provided), or to put on gloves, immediately before entering the area.
5. Admittance to the sale on Friday, September 4th, is by pre-paid, timed ticket only.
To purchase admission tickets, click here.
Admittance on Saturday and Sunday, Sept. 5th and 6th, is free, first come first served.
6. No more than 60 people may occupy the book sale area at any time (limit of 25 on Friday). If the
book sale area has reached capacity, you may be asked to wait in line outside until someone leaves,
before you may be admitted.
7. No books or other property may be left unattended at any time.
8. Payment for purchases may be made by credit card, check or cash.
If paying by credit card, you will be asked to insert your card’s chip into the card reader, or to swipe your card through the card reader.
If paying by check, you must present a photo ID, address and phone number.
If paying by cash, you must provide the exact amount of your purchase; no change will be given.
9. If you are feeling unwell, have a fever, or are exhibiting any other symptoms of illness, please stay home!
At the request of Westport officials, we will be taking each person's temperature, using a contact-less infrared thermometer supplied by the State of Connecticut, at the entrance to the Library building. Anyone with a temperature at or above 100.0F may not enter the Library. We will also be collecting name and contact information for each person entering the Library.
For additional procedures relating to the first day of the sale, and information for high volume purchasers, please see “Additional Information for Friday, September 4, 2020 and Notice to High Volume Purchasers” below.
Westport Library Labor Day Weekend 2020
Book Sale Procedures
Additional Information for Friday, September 4, 2020
and Notice to High Volume Purchasers
Out of concern for the health and well-being of our volunteers, employees and patrons, the following procedures will be in effect throughout the Labor Day Weekend Book Sale. Anyone who does not follow these procedures will be asked to leave.
1. No books or other property may be left unattended at any time.
2. There will be NO high volume purchase holding area.
3. Shoppers are asked to evaluate items “in place” — decide whether to purchase an item at the table or
shelf where it is displayed. If you reject an item, please return it to the place it was displayed.
4. Please bring your own bags, boxes and rolling carts to carry your selections. We will have very few, if
any, boxes available.
5. Admittance to the Book Sale on the first day of the sale, Friday September 4th, will be by pre-purchased,
timed ticket, only.
Each individual must have their own ticket.
Only 25 tickets will be sold for each time slot. To purchase admission tickets, click here.
Each ticket entitles the purchaser to browse in the shopping area (the Forum and the Komansky Room) only during the shopping time period indicated on their ticket.
At the end of the ticketed time, everyone must leave the shopping area, and proceed to the check-out and cashier area, where your selections will be added up and paid for.
If you want to browse in the shopping area beyond your ticket’s time period, you must have purchased a ticket for an additional time slot.
Tickets are non-refundable. Tickets will only be refunded if the Event is Canceled. If you do not comply with the Book Sale Procedures (for example, if you remove your mask) and are asked to leave the Library, you will not be permitted to purchase any of your selections, and your ticket price will not be refunded.
6. To see a map of the sales area, click on "Way Finder Map" (highlighted in yellow) above. This map is
provided as a general guide; arrangement of the sales floor may change. We will endeavor to keep the map
updated but, in any event, signage will be clear and volunteers will be available at the sale to assist
in directing you.
Excerpt from the You Can Help Page:
We accept donations of gently used books, audiobooks on CD, video DVDs, music CDs, vinyl records, puzzles, and games, throughout the year.
Until further notice, book donations are accepted only on Thursdays, from 9:00a.m. to 3:00p.m. (or, if earlier, when capacity is reached).
Please Note: Book Donation Center will be closed in the event of rain, snow or inclement weather.
The next book donation day is
Thursday, December 3rd.
Where: Donors are asked to bring their materials directly to the grey brick shed located immediately next to the Book Donation Center, in the Upper Parking Lot of the Westport Library, 20 Jesup Road.
How: Donations are "contact-less". Please deposit your materials directly into the plastic bins inside the grey brick shed or, if your donations are in boxes, stack the boxes inside the shed, on the floor beside the bins. Donated materials will be quarantined in the shed for at least three days before being handled by book sale volunteers or employees.
For your protection, when at the shed, please observe social distancing, and wear a mask.
In order to limit exposure of our book sale volunteers and employees, we are not scheduling book pick-ups at this time.
2021 Memorial Day Weekend Book Sale
Memorial Day Weekend 2021
Friday May 28th through Sunday May 30th
Location: indoors, in the Westport Library, 20 Jesup Road
Hours: Friday, May 28th 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Saturday, May 29th 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Sunday, May 30th Noon to 5:00 p.m.
(Sunday is half-price day!)
Admission is free, first come, first served

Three days of shopping, thousands of gently used books in dozens of categories: children's books, from infants to teens, literature and classics, poetry, graphic novels, fiction, mystery, and non-fiction including history and politics, math, science, psychology, social science, biographies, sports, art, photography, cooking, gardening, religion, travel, foreign language books, and more. Not to be missed: our popular Noteworthy category, which will include items of special or collectible appeal, vintage children's books, and a smattering of ephemera such as chess and automotive magazines, NY theater Playbills dating back to the 1940s, and more. Also a wide selection of CDs and DVDs. Something for everyone! Inventory may be replenished Friday and Saturday.
Note: There will be no vinyl records in the book sale, but there will be a broad assortment of vinyl records -- including a recent donation of JAZZ albums -- available for sale at our recently opened Westport Book Shop, conveniently located at 23 Jesup Road, just across Jesup Green from the Library. Special for the Book Sale weekend, the Book Shop will open at 9 a.m. on both Friday and Saturday.
Parking will be available at the Library's upper parking lot; in the parking area across from the Westport Police Station; and in the lower Jesup Green parking lot. Parking may also be found in the Imperial Avenue Parking Lot; the back of that lot is connected to the Library area via a foot bridge.
Entry to the Book Sale will be through the Library's
upper entrance at the top of the grand stairs.
Exit from the Book Sale will be from the Library's upper entrance
on the opposite side (Levitt Pavilion side) of the building.
For high volume purchasers on Friday: we will reserve the Loading
parking space next to the Book Donation Center in the upper
parking lot for your convenience, so that, regardless of where you
find parking, you will be able to bring your car around to pick up your
BYOM -- Bring Your Own Mask. Everyone will be required to wear a mask that covers both nose and mouth, and to observe social distancing, and other COVID precautions. For more information regarding procedures applicable to this sale, click here.
Join our mailing list to receive email notifications about our book sale events and other book sale news.
To volunteer at the Book Sale, use this sign-up link, or send an email to: volunteers@westportbooksales.org

Westport Library Book Sale Procedures
Memorial Day Weekend 2021
Out of concern for the health and well-being of our volunteers, employees and patrons, the following procedures will be in effect throughout the Memorial Day Weekend Book Sale. Anyone who does not follow these procedures will be asked to leave.
1. BYOM — Bring Your Own Mask ​
Every person over the age of two entering the Library must wear a face mask that covers both their nose and mouth. Face masks must be worn at all times while inside the Library.
2. Social Distancing
Patrons are encouraged to use their best efforts to maintain at least 6’ social distance from others, to the greatest extent possible, including while waiting in lines.
3. Every person entering the Book Sale area will be asked to sanitize their hands (hand sanitizer will be
provided), or to put on gloves, immediately before entering the Book Sale area.
4. The number of patrons that may occupy the Book Sale area at any time will be limited, in conformity with
then-applicable state regulations. If the Book Sale area has reached capacity, you may be asked to wait in line outside until someone leaves, before you may be admitted.
5. No books or other property may be left unattended at any time.
6. Payment for purchases may be made by credit card, check or cash.
If paying by credit card, you will be asked to insert your card’s chip into the card reader, or to swipe your card through the card reader.
If paying by check, you must present a photo ID, address and phone number.
If paying by cash, we ask that you provide the exact amount of your purchase; no change will be given.
7. If you are feeling unwell, have a fever, or are exhibiting any other symptoms of illness, please stay home!
High volume purchasers, please see “Additional Information for High Volume Purchasers” below.
Westport Library Book Sale Procedures
Memorial Day Weekend 2021
Additional Information for High Volume Purchasers
Out of concern for the health and well-being of our volunteers, employees and patrons, the following procedures will be in effect throughout the Memorial Day Weekend Book Sale. Anyone who does not follow these procedures will be asked to leave.
1. No books or other property may be left unattended at any time.
Any items found unattended will be promptly removed.
2. There will be NO high volume purchase holding area.
3. Shoppers are asked to evaluate items “in place” — decide whether to purchase an item at the table or
shelf where it is displayed. If you reject an item, please return it to the place it was displayed.
4. Please bring your own bags, boxes and rolling carts to carry your selections. We will have very few, if
any, boxes available.
5. To expedite check-out, we will have "tally runners" available to bring to the tally/cashier area books you
have selected for purchase, to begin tallying your selections while you continue to browse. You will be required to provide your full name and mobile phone number to our runner, to identify your items.
6. All categories of books will be located in the Library's main Forum, only. Category signage will be clear
and volunteers will be available to assist directing you.
7. To help you plan your visit, information about the location of parking areas, and the location of the
book sale event entrance, and exit, is posted above.
October Book Sale
Friday, October 8 through Monday, October 11, 2021
inside the Westport Library
20 Jesup Road, Westport CT
We look forward to welcoming you to the Fall 2021 Book Sale at the Westport Library!
The Hours for the Fall Book Sale are:
Friday, October 8th 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Saturday, October 9th 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Sunday, October 10th Noon to 5 p.m. -- Half-price day
Monday, October 11th 9 a.m. to Noon -- Fill our Logo Bag for $5 per bag, or purchase individual items at half-price, your choice
Admission to the Book Sale during these hours is free.
Entrance to the Book Sale will be at the top of the
Library's Grand Staircase on the North / Jesup Green
side of the Library building.
Please do not leave any boxes or other "place holders"
in line in front of the Library entrance. These may be
"Early Birds" can gain advance entry to a pre-sale shopping hour on Friday, October 8th from
8:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m., by purchasing a pre-paid admission ticket. Tickets are available only online, at: https://westportlibrary-octoberbooksale-earlybirdtix.eventbrite.com
A maximum of 75 tickets will be sold.
The Early Bird ticket holder entrance will be on the South side of the Westport Library building (the Levitt Pavilion side), accessed via the Library's Upper Parking Lot.
This Book Sale offers something for virtually everyone, with thousands of gently used books in over 40 categories, including children’s books, from infants to teens; literature and classics; fiction, mysteries, and SciFi/fantasy; nonfiction including art, photography, history, math, science, psychology, religion, biography, business, cooking, gardening, performing arts, travel, foreign language and more, including Noteworthy, especially antiquarian books. A broad selection of DVDs, CDs, and vinyl records will also be available, as well as a limited selection of art and ephemera.
Of special interest for this sale:
Collectors can look forward to our offering of noteworthy and antiquarian books. For a catalog of Featured Specials, click here
Music lovers will find an expanded selection of outstanding books and sheet music for all musicians, including music from hit Broadway shows, and books about George Gershwin and Cole Porter; adult and youth choir music; and a large selection of method books for students of piano, strings (including guitar), woodwind and brass.
History buffs will be impressed by a recent donation of a vast collection of military history books, in addition to our usual abundant selection of books exploring American and world history and politics. These recently-donated military history volumes including a strong World War II component, among which are several uncommon titles. Also included, scarce periodicals and works about specific weapons and aircraft.
Fans of author Erica Jong will find many books donated from her personal library, including author-signed presentation copies to Jong (many of which are also signed by Jong), as well as many books authored and signed by Jong.
A broad selection of books in foreign languages will also be available at this sale, including a recent generous donation of a large collection of new books in Nordic languages, such as Norwegian and Swedish.
Just added: explore Irishness! From a single estate, a broad collection of Irish literature, music, history, references, bound periodicals, and more. Materials are mostly from the mid- 19th through early 20th centuries.
A site map will be made available on this website before the book sale starts. The map is provided as a general guide; arrangement of the sales floor may change. We will endeavor to keep the map updated but, in any event, signage will be clear and volunteers can assist in directing you.
Please note the following Book Sale Procedures:
Every person over 2 years of age entering the Library is required to wear a mask that covers both their nose and mouth at all times while inside the Library, regardless of vaccination status.
Hand sanitizer will be available for use at the entrance to the sale, and at various stations throughout the Library.
Social distancing is highly encouraged.
If you are feeling unwell, have a fever, or are exhibiting any other symptoms of illness, please stay home.
Capacity will be subject to COVID and fire marshal rules in effect at the time of the sale.
No books or other materials may be left unattended at any time.
There will be no separate high volume holding /evaluation area. Shoppers are asked to evaluate items "in place"— decide whether to purchase an item at the table or shelf where it is displayed. If you reject an item, please return it to the place it was displayed.
Please bring your own bags, boxes and rolling carts to carry your selections. We will have very few, if any, boxes available.
While you're in town, visit the Westport Book Shop, our nonprofit used book shop in downtown Westport, at 23 Jesup Road, just across Jesup Green from the Westport Library. Open six days a week, all year 'round, downtown Westport's only source for gently used and vintage books, vinyl records, CDs, DVDs and more. For more information, click here.
You can also shop with us online, here.
Don't miss out -- join our mailing list to receive email notifications about our Book Sale Events and other book sale news.
"and the Oscar goes to..."​
The Westport Book Shop and The Remarkable Theater are teaming up to celebrate the upcoming 74th Academy Awards (the Oscars), with a joint "Guess the 2022 Oscars Winners Contest"!
Ballots are available at The Westport Book Shop or can be downloaded here starting March 17th, 2022
Completed ballots must be dropped off at The Westport Book Shop by 5pm on March 27th, 2022
No purchase necessary
For complete official contest rules click here
The contest winners will be announced on Monday, March 28, 2022.
A Ticket valid for any showing of the Remarkable Theater’s upcoming 2022 Drive-In Season
$25 Westport Book Shop Gift Card
Remarkable Theater & Westport Book Shop Swag​
(the aggregate retail value of each prize package is $100)​